Home Bound Instructions
- Instruction is live and in real time all in the comfort of your own home.
- Flexible and easy scheduling. Students and teacher work together to establish pre-scheduled instruction times.
- Online ‘classroom’ designed with collaboration in mind. Whiteboard, document and image sharing make for an effective and efficient online learning experience.
- Teacher’s educated and trained in using technology implement a multimodal approach to learning.
- Quick and easy turn around. A large number of teachers available ensures instruction can begin quickly.
- Student information and progress are recorded and is available to school administrators.
Technology has revolutionized home bound instruction. First Class tutoring offers K – 12 education from the comfort of home, without sacrificing the meaningful student to teacher connection. All instruction is live and in real time. Whiteboard, document and image sharing make for an effective and efficient online learning experience. Student progress is recorded and available to track achievement. The teachers at First Class are well trained in our online programs and can effectively implement a multimodal approach to learning. Each teacher’s works to meet the unique learning and academic needs of the student.
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